Monday, 14 March 2011

Final Seasonal Top Trump Postcards


Valentines Day...

Merry Christmas...

Final pieces of work!

Through these postcards i'm focusing on the term friendship. I'm using quotes that support this term. Also i tried to design the cards in a way that they will be engaging with every receiver.I think the message is clear.
A problem that I faced during these weeks was that I couldn't find many examples of work from previous projects that some artists did, which made research very difficult for me. Finally, I think that I overcame with that and made some useful research.

Useful tool

A book that help me through the research that I did. It had many good examples of existing postcards which helped me and gave me inspiration. 

final designs

ok, and these are what i came up with finally! the first three are intended for everyone and the final two quote ones are just for interns or volunteers.

i'm not really satisfied with it yet-the colours are different from postcard to postcard and i'm not sure if the last two are a bit too off the point? although part of the idea behind them was that they should be a bit more fun, but it would have been good to find some quotes that reflect uscreates a bit better-these quotes might seem a bit random.

in general i'm not sure if they communicate uscreates enough? i was finding that the hardest part when designing and even just putting the logo on the front i couldn't get it to fit in with the image. 

i did like doing the photographs though, it was fun and i think it came out a lot better then my drawings were looking scanned so that's something :)


ok so i wanted to keep the informal look of the hand drawn postcard i did before but make it look a bit less scruffy? so i started experimenting around with doing the same simple line drawings and text but photographing it instead of scanning or whatever. i liked how it came out with all the shadows and stuff and so decided it might be a good way of producing the images for the fronts of the postcards.

developing ideas after tues

ok so after the feedback i got back in class last tue i started trying to develop my prototype ideas a bit more.
people mainly seemed to like the hand drawn quote one although joanna pointed out it won't really be suitable for all the audiences.
so i'm keeping it just for interns and volunteers, as it might be something more suited for them,something a bit more fun they might enjoy or like to keep. 

For the other audiences-peers, associates and clients, i want to do something more like the other protoype which just had a simple greeting on it, but maybe rendered in a more interesting way so it doesn't appear too plain. many people pointed out that my prototypes didn't reflect uscreates identity enough/it wasn't clear enough who they're from so that is something to consider as well.

some rough work from my sketchbook:

context of photograph?

i thought of a couple of ideas of how and where to photograph them at first i wanted the toys to be doing something active with what uscreates do e.g something to do with climate change but then i decided it would be better to keep it simple as the brief said its not about promoting the brand or showing people what they do. i decided instead to do them in an outdoor scene almost recreating a classic 'wish you were here' postcard i also included a 'uscreates flag so as to incorperate the logo and to show the characters 'flying the flag' for uscreates.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

building toys..

template design

looking at what i had found i started to draw out how i wanted my own to look:
i used similar aspects to the cubecraft toys except i wanted them to look more lifelike so i made the legs longer and had seperate and more proportioned hands and feet. the net itself is also alot simpler with everything literally just boxes and triangles.

here is the final design:

i then used the photographs on the uscreates website to create each individual person:
Alan Boyles

Mary Rose Cook

Joanna Choukeir Hojeily
Rosie Head
Hannah Padgett

more templates..

after deciding on the paper toy idea  i looked into more paper templates of people for inspiration on how to design my own.
after looking at a few my favourites were from a website called cubecraft where they made loads of characters from basically the same net which uses boxes and rectangles for the head and body.

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Here we go

This is the very first day of the project. This is our team outcome.

Here we use methods to analyze the work and suggest ideas for development 

First ideas for the postcards

Ideas that I wrote down before i started creating the postcards.

Second Prototype

This is my second prototype that I did after researching the work that I posted before from the Pilar Gorriz studio. It needs development because it looks messy. I need to develop the way that the glue meet the sand.


This is my first prototype for a set of postcards. After the tutorial on tuesday, and based on the feedback that I received, i decided to change it because letterpress might be a difficult process of production for uscreates. I thought that they will have to create a lot of postcards so letterpress might be not the quickest way to achieve that.