Monday, 28 February 2011

Ideas... Sketching...

...Sketch book ! ideas and some images to help you understand the idea!

The First Idea... Puzzle like... Together creates a 'connected' piece.
Top trump cards, could be posted to client/volunteer and be made as a collectables
Badge postcards, pinned onto a collectable cloth?
Chatter Box... looking into origami and having a fold-able playful postcard which gives questions and info for clients/volunteers to get to know each other and stay in touch
Iphone App
This Idea was difficult to portray. Using a laser cutter create postcards that will eventually become a 3D piece for the cliene/volunteer would be fun to keep collect and stay in touch! The postcards will slot into one another creating some sort of 3D outcome.
The Raffle. To allow clients and volunteers to stay in touch and meet each other a Raffle Postcard can be sent out and winners would get a day out/lunch out? to connect!
 Mini T-Shirt Hanging with pictures of client/volunteer with messages on the back images can be printed using heat press and message the same or just with fabric pens

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