Monday, 28 February 2011

brainstorm and some initial ideas

Ideas... Sketching...

...Sketch book ! ideas and some images to help you understand the idea!

The First Idea... Puzzle like... Together creates a 'connected' piece.
Top trump cards, could be posted to client/volunteer and be made as a collectables
Badge postcards, pinned onto a collectable cloth?
Chatter Box... looking into origami and having a fold-able playful postcard which gives questions and info for clients/volunteers to get to know each other and stay in touch
Iphone App
This Idea was difficult to portray. Using a laser cutter create postcards that will eventually become a 3D piece for the cliene/volunteer would be fun to keep collect and stay in touch! The postcards will slot into one another creating some sort of 3D outcome.
The Raffle. To allow clients and volunteers to stay in touch and meet each other a Raffle Postcard can be sent out and winners would get a day out/lunch out? to connect!
 Mini T-Shirt Hanging with pictures of client/volunteer with messages on the back images can be printed using heat press and message the same or just with fabric pens

visual research 3

more stuff from the Nice to Meet You book:

includes a blank space on the image in which you can write a personalised message

 joins up to make a new message/image (like our idea in class!)


sticker/peel off portion

visual research 2

these are all mostly business card but i think we can apply some of the same ideas to our work...

includes reversed text on one side; when you hold up the card to mirror you get the hidden information 

folding design to reflect concept 

passage taken from book with selection highlighted depending on whom it's being sent to
popular quotes with part of the text replaced with companies name

from the book 'Nice to Meet You-visual greeting from business cards'

visual research stuff

 layers/ overlaid designs?
postcard that has some other purpose/can be re-used?

from this book 1000 greetings. has lots of examples of greetings and postcards there's some more copies in the library...

Letterpress postcards

One good example of how you can use letterpress in order to design a postcard.
You can see the process that the designer did, through the red letters.

I think it gives a different touch to the viewer's eye the use of letterpress, because it has a different aesthetic both from a digital designed postcard and a handmade postcard.

A nice video showing how to design a postcard and have it ready for email

material attached to write a reply

the foundling museum
In the entrance to the foundling museum in return for donating money you can add to an active display by writing a message on material and attaching it to the many strings hanging from the ceiling. Clients/ volunteers ect could do a similar thing by sending back there reply on given material which could be attached together and displayed in the uscreates office.

net of a font..

The idea came from a website I found where you can download
the net of a font. I wasnt sure if the clients/ volunteers
ect would see much point in making the letters so I looked
at other forms of paper templates:

                                        I thought of the possiblity of characterising the
                                        uscreates team members and having templates
                                        of them.

some ideas mostly from last tuesday

Some more ...

Sunday, 27 February 2011

Leather postcard from the 1900's

Sending and receiving postcards between 1907
and 1915 were the equivalent to the text-messaging
communication phenomenon of today. A particular
genre from the early 1900 to 1909 was the novelty
postcard produced on leather, more commonly
referred to as leather postcards.

some unusual postcards

interactive/cut out:

not sure if this one is one postcard or a package?


this blog is all just about postcards! mostly old ones but still :)